07-12-16 Agenda

Edwards-Knox Central School
Board of Education
Reorganizational Meeting 
July,12 2016
Partial Agenda

I.    Call to order by Chairman Pro-Tem                                                         Board Action
II.   Oath of Allegiance (Newly Elected Board of Education Members)  

III.  Election of Officers
            President                                                                                           Board Action
            Vice-President                                                                                   Board Action
IV.  Oath of Allegiance (P, V-P)
V.   Establish Organizational Meeting Date                                                 Board Action

VI.  Appointments:
            BOE Clerk                                                                                        Board Action
            District Treasurer                                                                              Board Action
            Deputy District Treasurer                                                                  Board Action
            Purchasing Agent                                                                             Board Action
            Deputy Purchasing Agent                                                                Board Action
            Tax Collector                                                                                    Board Action
            Attendance Officer                                                                           Board Action
            Chief Emergency Officer                                                                  Board Action
            Designated Education Official                                                          Board Action
            School Pesticide Representative                                                    Board Action
            Chemical Hygiene Officer                                                               Board Action
            Chief Financial Officer (Board President)                                        Board Action
            Reviewing Official (Child Nutrition Program)                                   Board Action
            Hearing Official (Child Nutrition Program)                                       Board Action
            Offical Newspaper                                                                           Board Action
            Official Depository                                                                           Board Action
            Check Signer                                                                                  Board Action
            Alternate Check Signer                                                                   Board Action
            Monthly Meeting Time                                                                     Board Action
            School Attorney                                                                               Board Action
            Inter-Municipal Services                                                                  Board Action 
            Extracurricular Treasurer                                                                Board Action
            School External Auditor Firm                                                         Board Action
            School Claims Auditor                                                                    Board Action
            School Lunch Signer                                                                      Board Action
            Record Management Officer                                                          Board Action
            Record Access Officer                                                                   Board Action
            LEA AHERA Designee                                                                   Board Action
            Payroll Officer                                                                                Board Action
            Compliance Officer                                                                        Board Action
            NYSSBA Voting Delegates/Liaisons                                              Board Action
            CSE Chairperson                                                                           Board Action
            Title II Coordinator                                                                          Board Action
            Title VI Coordinator                                                                        Board Action
            Title IX Coordinator                                                                        Board Action 
            Screening Committee                                                                    Board Action
            CSE Committee                                                                             Board Action
            Policy Committee                                                                            Board Action 
            School Physician                                                                           Board Action
            District Appeals Officer                                                                   Board Action
            Audit Committee                                                                             Board Action 
            District Labor Relations Committee                                               Board Action
            District Negotiations Committee                                                    Board Action
VII.  Oath of Allegiance (Supt., Clerk, Treasurer's, Attendance Officer) (Tax Collector & Internal Claims Auditor 7/13/16)
VIII. Authorizations:
            Establishment of Petty Cash Funds                                               Board Action
            Payment of Utilities and Ins.                                                          Board Action
            Borrowing, Investing & Accepting Funds                                       Board Action
            Budget Transfers                                                                            Board Action
            Tuition Rate                                                                                    Board Action
            Mileage Rate                                                                                  Board Action
            Substitute Pay Rates                                                                      Board Action
            Professional Development                                                              Board Action
            Personnel Employment                                                                  Board Action
            BOCES Contracts                                                                          Board Action
            Professional Services                                                                     Board Action
            Grants in Aid                                                                                   Board Action
            BOCES Cooperative Purchasing Agreement                                 Board Action
            Affordable Care Act Measurement Periods                                   Board Action 
IX. Public Participation
X.  Board Member Issues                                                                   Boad Discussion
XI. Approval of Minutes                                                                            Board Action

            Indemnification and Legal Defense                                                Board Action
            Audit Committee Review of Warrants                                     Board Discussion
            Payment of Warrants       06/15/16      06/30/16                     Board Discussion
            Claims Auditor Reports    06/15/16      06/30/16                            Board Action
            Reserve Fund Report   July 2016                                                  Board Action
            May Budget Report                                                                        Board Action
            May Revenue Report                                                                     Board Action
            MayTrial Balance Report                                                               Board Action
            May Budget Status Report                                                             Board Action
            Worker's Comp & Medical Plan Delegate                                      Board Action
            2016-2017 Proposed Cafeteria Prices                                           Board Action
            Treasurer's Report                                                                          Board Action
            Standard Work Day Reporting                                                       Board Action 
            Extracurricular Qrtly Report                                                    Board Discussion
            NYSSBA 2016-2017                                                                      Board Action 
            NYSSBA Area 6 Dinner Meeting                       Board Discussion/Board Action
XIII.New Business:
            Legislative Liaison                                                                          Board Action
            2016-2017 Fundraising Calendar                                                   Board Action
            Athletic Merger                                                                               Board Action 
            Handbooks & Plans:
                  2016-2017 Extracurricular Handbook                                       Board Action
                  Code of Conduct      Summary                                                 Board Action
                  2016-2017 Special Education Plan                                          Board Action
                  LAP Self Reflection      LAP Action Plan                                   Board Action
            Declare Obsolete                                                                           Board Action 
XIV.Old Business:
            Non-Resident Students                                                           Board Discussion 
                  Extracurricular                                                                          Board Action
                  Clerk of the Works                                                                    Board Action
                  Substitute                                                                                 Board Action
                  Rowe Appt. Correction                                                             Board Action
XVI. CSE      CPSE                                                                                    Board Action
XVII. Superintendent's, Principals' & Bus. Mngr Reports                    Board Discussion


XIX. Adjournment