04-19-2021 Agenda
Edwards-Knox Central School
Board of Education
Regular Meeting
April 19, 2021
Partial Agenda
I. Call to order by Chairman
II. Public Participation
III. Jennifer Hotaling/Food Pantry
IV. Lisa Fisher-Davis & Toni Trombly/Transportation Update
V. Administrative Reports
VI. Board Member Discussion
VII. Approval of Minutes Board Action
VIII. Business
IX. New Business
a. 2021/2022 Budget Board Discussion/Action
b. RFP Auditor Acceptance Board Action
c. First Read Policy:
#7551 - Sexual Harassment of Students Board Action
e. Biddy Basketball/Intramural Basketball Board Discussion
f. Board Retreat Board Discussion
g. 2020 Bond Resolution Board Action
h. SLL BOCES Budget & Board Member Election Board Action
i. Property Tax Report Card Board Action
j. Insurance Reserve Board Action
k. Unused Snow Days Board Action
X. Personnel
a. Appointment:
Counselor Board Action
b. Substitute KH Board Action
XI. CSE 1 2 Board Action
XII. Adjournment
Board of Education Goals
- Student Focus: All students will have access to a challenging, fulfilling and effective learning experience aligned to college and career readiness through opportunities that foster creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, communication and citizenship.
- Health and Safety: The district will support and sustain a safe, nurturing, respectful environment where staff, students and community members are supported emotionally, physically and academically.
- Engaged Community: The Edwards-Knox Central School District will continue to encourage the school community to contribute in the growth and development of our students through open and honest communication and collaborative partnerships.
- Fiscal Responsibility: The district is committed to fiscal stability through transparent budgeting, securing available sources of funding that supports our academic goals and that reflect our community’s values.