Edwards-Knox Central School District
2021-22 School Year Plan for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds
Approved by NYSED on December 22, 2022
- ARP-State Reserve Application
- 5% Lost Instruction BN
- 5% Lost Instruction FS-10
- 1% Comprehensive After School BN
- 1% Comprehensive After School FS-10
- 1% Summer Learning and Enrichment BN
- 1% Summer Learning and Enrichment FS-10
Edwards-Knox CSD ARP-ESSER Approved Application
Edwards-Knox CSD ARP-ESSER Approved Budget Narrative
Edwards-Knox CSD ARP-ESSER Approved FS 10
The American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) Fund under the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021, Public Law 117-2, was enacted on March 11, 2021. ARP ESSER provides a total of nearly $122 billion to States and school districts to help safely reopen and sustain the safe operation of schools and address the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the nation’s students.
All LEAs must reserve at least 20 percent of funds to address learning loss through the implementation of evidence-based interventions and ensure that those interventions respond to students’ social, emotional, and academic needs and address the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on underrepresented student subgroups. The remaining LEA funds may be used for a wide range of activities to address needs arising from the coronavirus pandemic.
ARP Funds Use
Edwards-Knox CSD meaningfully engaged a diverse and representative set of the applicable stakeholders in developing a plan to use these funds and implementing that plan.
A survey was sent out to all staff and members of the E-K school community to gather input on recommendations for using the ARP funding. A committee of stakeholders met to review and discuss the recommendations and prioritize what items we would fund. We have a three-year implementation plan that we will review quarterly when the committee meets. An informational presentation was also given at a Board meeting. Information continues to be updated on the district website.
Edwards-Knox Central School District will gather continuous feedback regarding our ARP Plan from the community through an open online survey posted on our website. We will also elicit feedback from our reopening committee. Our reopening committee was formed at the onset of the pandemic and this committee consists of stakeholders from the community, as well as, representatives from teachers, extended day partners, building and grounds, cafeteria, administrators, and transportation.
To continuously and safely reopen and operate schools, the district will use funds to implement prevention and mitigation strategies that are, to the greatest extent practicable, consistent with the most recent CDC guidance on reopening schools. Funds will be used for the following:
- To allow for learning spaces and activities to the greatest extent possible, the district will purchase new classroom student seating- desks and chairs;
- Appoint cafeteria monitors to ensure and maintain student spacing, assist with sanitation of eating and overall safety of students; and
- Provide for a substitute Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) to assist with maintaining the health and safety of students- contact tracing, and temperature checks.
We recognize that we will see an increased need in the area of academic intervention services as students return to full in-person learning five days a week beginning in the fall of 2021. To address the academic impact of lost instructional time through the implementation of evidence-based interventions, the required reserve of 20% of funds will be used to:
- Offer afterschool programming for elementary and middle school students to address student learning- 1:1 tutoring, classroom instruction, differentiation, small group instruction, reteaching, learning loss, and addressing students' individual learning needs;
- Offer After School Enrichment programming grades K-12 to enhance student engagement and interest, provide well-rounded educational activities and STEM;
- Offer all students grades K-12 Summer Learning Program to provide academic intervention services to those students who struggle academically, SEL supports for cooperative learning activities, and project-based instruction/enrichment activities to increase student engagement and address learning loss:
- Purchase materials and supplies for After School Program and After School Enrichment Program- snacks, crafting supplies, environmental education supplies, STEM, and physical activity supplies and materials;
- Purchase materials and supplies for Summer Learning Program- snacks, academic supplies, enrichment supplies, environmental education supplies, STEM, and physical activity supplies and materials;
- Appoint a School Counselor to provide social-emotional supports to students, collaborate with families to address student's needs and track attendance and student engagement;
- Appoint two elementary class reduction teachers to allow for smaller class size and individual/small group instruction addressing the impact of learning loss at the elementary level;
- Support classroom instruction by purchasing books for K-6 classroom libraries to include student non-fiction and fiction books, leveled readers, books for differentiation and student engagement, and other teacher requested materials;
- Offer staff stipends will allow grade/subject level staff to work in professional learning communities (PLCs) on curriculum, prioritizing standards, data analysis of assessments, integrating technology, effective teaching strategies, student engagement, and intervention planning;
- Purchase Independent Reading Assessment and Instruction (IRA) Kits, Next Step Reading Assessment and Information in Action for Instruction, to assess student skills and learning;
- Partner with Education consultant, Dr. Nicki Newton, to provide professional development on K-8 curriculum- Running Records to collect and analyze student data on math fluency, incorporate running records into curriculum, and implement evidence-based, research-driven instruction;
- Provide professional development conferences and workshops, Bureau of Education & Research that provide practical ideas, strategies and activities to address academic impact of lost instruction: differentiated instruction, supporting developmental delays, student engagement, behaviors, flipped and blended learning, literacy and math, STEM and enrichment;
- Provide professional development on co-teaching programs and strategies for special education programming with Julie Causten, Inclusive Schools; and
- Purchase services and collaborate with Community School Counselor, United Way Mental Health Counselor, to provide supports to students and families.
To identify student needs and monitor student progress as a result of planned interventions and supports, the district will continue to monitor student progress with i-Ready diagnostic testing, meet regularly to analyze diagnostic results, and develop and implement intervention strategies for struggling learners using a multi-tiered system of supports. In addition, we will utilize progress monitoring data and individual student data (formative and summative assessments and observations) from teachers. Other data we will collect and analyze is attendance, counseling records, and student/parent/teacher feedback surveys results.
The district will ensure that the interventions it implements, including but not limited to the interventions implemented under the required reserve of 20% of funds - to address the academic impact of lost instructional time, will respond to the academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs of all students. Data will be collected on students’ academic progress via pre and post-tests and i-Ready benchmarking and progress monitoring. Students' social emotional well-being will be monitored via classroom teacher observations and reports, school nurse, counseling services and guidance meetings. Students will be referred to the Instructional Support Team to determine additional needed support to be provided either in school or through support from community agencies.
Edwards-Knox CSD will utilize remaining ARP funds for other allowable uses. The district will:
- Purchase outdoor framed tent to allow for concerts, celebrations, and graduation, as well as, outdoor educational classroom space, effectively maintaining health and safety of students.
The district appreciates your support and values your input as we remain steadfast in our vision- The Edwards-Knox Central School District provides experiences that lead to productive, purposeful growth both academically and personally for ALL students. As a school community, we inspire all students to be kind, resourceful, responsible and productive citizens.