• Hello!
       I hope you all had a safe and fun summer with your families and created memories to last a lifetime.   Ms. McCormick will be teaching the ELA/Reading and I will be teaching Math, Science and Social Studies. Science and Social will be taught in 5 week blocks and I'll be starting with Social Studies.   We look forward to getting to know your child and helping them to set and attain new goals for the upcoming 2021-22 school year.  Many challenges await and with the support from you at home and the guidance from us here, I feel it will be another great school year at EK!  
       Your child will come home with a Reading Log at the beginning of each month and are required to read 15 minutes a night on school nights.  This is the only homework that will be assigned regularly.  This log must be signed EACH night by a parent or guardian to show the student is reading regularly.  If this is done and the student misses 3 or less nights we do something the last Friday of each month to reward those who did it!  Reading is the single most important skill for all academic areas and we really want to reinforce them becoming good readers.  Grades will come from tests which will be 60 % of their average.  Also, vocabulary in Science and Social will be 40% and class work in math which will be 40%.  Any time a student fails a test they may do the corrections and return the test to me to improve their grade to a passing score of a 70. All work will be coming home in Friday folders at the end of each week and that folder must be signed and dated as well by a parent or guardian.  
         Hope this gives you a little insight as to the expectations of your student during the school year.  Please contact me with any questions by calling the school line and dialing ext.25214 or messaging me on Seesaw. I use Seesaw a great deal to inform parents of things going on or just to stay on top of any concerns or questions you the parent may have.  Thank you!