2023 - 2024
Mrs. Cummings
Welcome to English 9! I look forward to working with you this year. I expect this class to work hard and as a result have a successful school year! You are invited to take control of your learning and if there is a project idea, writing idea, etc. that you have, please feel free to share. This classroom is YOUR stage!
Homework will be assigned daily, and you are expected to complete and turn in assignments by the deadlines given in class. All homework assignments require complete sentences, correct grammar and punctuation, and proper spelling. In addition, you must have an appropriate heading including your name, Mrs. Cummings (teacher’s name), the date, and title of the assignment. Proofread your assignments before handing them in. Homework assignments include, but are not limited to, reading, reading comprehension questions, writing, grammar practice, research, mini/long term projects, etc.
Grades are based on in class work (participation), homework, quizzes, projects, and tests.
Homework/in class work – 25%
Quizzes/projects - 30%
Tests - 45%
*Some writing assignments may count as a quiz grade. I will inform you of this for individual situations.
*Your final exam counts for 20% of your overall grade.
Make-up Policy
You are required to follow the attendance policy written in the EK Student Handbook. Late homework without a legal excuse is recorded as a zero.
If you are present the day an assignment is given, you are responsible for the completion of that assignment on the day of your return. If you are absent when an assignment is given, then you will have the same amount of days you were absent to make up that assignment, if you provide a legal excuse. It is your responsibility to come and get missed assignments from me. If you have a band lesson scheduled the same time as class, you must come to me to obtain any class notes, information, and/or homework assignment. Band lessons do not count as an absence from class. I understand unexpected, extreme circumstances do occur in life and sometimes compromises have to be made. Open communication and personal responsibility are the best ways to ensure your situation and needs will be handled fairly. There is a bin on the counter that will have notes, handouts, homework assignments, etc. for you to take from any day you were absent, however, you still need to see me for directions. Remember, assignments will be posted on Schoology during hybrid learning days.
Classroom Expectations
You are required to follow classroom and school behavioral expectations. Discipline procedures will follow what is written in the EK Student Handbook.
- Arrive to class on time, or have a valid pass.
- Bring all necessary materials - textbook(s), pen or pencil, Chromebook, etc.
- No hats or cell phone use.
- You may have a snack and WATER ONLY (quietly)
- Respect yourself, others, and the classroom.
- Listen and follow all directions given by the teacher.
- Ask questions appropriate to content, and answer questions respectfully.
- Speak politely – use inside voice and build people up.
- Enter and exit the classroom in an orderly fashion.
- No use of electronics unless granted permission from the teacher.
- Do your best.
Technical Issues:
- Students are encouraged to use their school-provided Gmail account and Chromebook to complete school tasks.
- If students experience a technical issue during remote learning follow the steps outlined below:
1. Email helpdesk@ekcsk12.org or call the High School Office (315-562-8131 ext. 25520) and describe your problem.
2. Contact your instructors, if possible, describing how your problem impacts their class.
Learning Targets
Learning targets are educational goals to accomplish. Our year-long learning targets are listed below:
- Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it.
- Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas.
- Determine how characters change or develop over the course of a text.
- Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text.
- Analyze the structure of texts.
- Assess how point of view or purpose shapes the content and style of a text.
- Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse formats and media, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words.
- Determine how the specific claims support the argument made in an informational text.
- Analyze how two or more texts address similar themes or topics in order to build knowledge or to compare the approaches the authors take.
- Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently.
- Respond to literature by employing knowledge of literary language, textual features, and forms to read and comprehend, reflect upon, and interpret literary texts from a variety of genres and a wide spectrum of American and world cultures.
- Write a variety of genres including persuasive (claims and counterclaims), expository: how to, narrative, descriptive, and small research projects.
- Speak clearly and precisely in peer groups and speeches.
** I do not offer extra credit. I feel that it is just unnecessary work for both the student(s) and me. Do your work as assigned and there should be no need for extra credit. ** Only when following the procedures in the student handbook may work be made up.
Hall Passes
You will be given ten hall passes for each marking period. These are intended for both English and English lab. It is pre-signed so all that you have to do is write the day, let me know you are using one and where you are going. Once you have used all your hall passes, that is it, you may not leave my room until the start of another marking period. At the end of each marking period, you may turn in your hall passes for a bonus. If you have all ten of your hall passes at the end of a marking period you will receive a “Get Out of Homework Free” card good enough for one assignment during the next marking period (exclusions apply) and a free 100. If there is any abuse of this incentive, we will not continue. Hall passes are to be used for necessary purposes. Remember that your electronics stay in the classroom when you leave the room. Even though you are given hall passes does not always mean that I will allow you to leave the room. I may take a hall pass if your start the habit of coming to class unprepared without your binder, writing utensil, and/or Chromebook. Because it is disruptive, using a hall pass to leave the room during quizzes/tests is not be permitted.
No cell phones are allowed to be used during school hours, except to check between classes.
**The information within this syllabus could possibly change/or adjust at any time.
I will inform you of any necessary changes. **