Students will be involved in the analysis of public issues.

    Students will gain knowledge about real and substantive issues at local, State, national and global levels.

    Students will be provided economic knowledge and skills that enable them to function as informed and economical-literate citizens in our society and world.

    Students will receive knowledge on how to become wiser consumers as well as better citizens.

    All assignments are in Schoology. Students can access this through the school website by clicking on the Schoology tab in the upper right corner.


    Projects-All projects are due on the due date no matter what. Students need to make sure they have turned in their written parts by email or by sharing. If the project has a 3d model, students must have the 3d model physically turned in by the due date. Failure to do so will result in a zero.

    Attendance Policy:

    Students are not to miss more than 28 days of class as according to the student handbook.  


    Students have a monthly assignment calendar available online and in hard copy format.  Students are responsible for all assignments even if they are absent. 

    I expect my students to call me (562-8131 ext. 25400) or email me jfriot@ekcsk12.org if they are out of school and an assignment is due that day. Students may leave a message on my voicemail or leave a message with a member of the clerical staff. We can make arrangements for the assignment to be emailed, or other arrangements, if necessary. 

    If the student does not contact me when he/she is absent, it will be counted as a zero in the gradebook. The zero will remain in the gradebook.  

    If a student owes me work; has contacted me and has a legal excuse, he/she may receive an incomplete on the progress report/report card until the work is done, if there is an extensive, excused absence. The grade will be added into the gradebook as long as the deadline is met. 

     Please see the handbook as to what justifies as a legal excuse.


    Required Attendance- GATEWAYS is required for all students to attend.