

    All of our work is located in Schoology. Sign into Schoology to access the Spanish content. 




    Traditional decorated Costa  Rican ox cart  (carro de bueyes) Jungle Crocodile Safari (cocodrilo)lechero a caballo (milkman on a horse)la playa (beach)la comida (the food)


    Welcome to Spanish class!  My name is Mrs. Love.  You may address me as “Señora Amor”.  I am delighted to be your instructor.  This year will prove to be very exciting and filled with learning.  

    As your teacher, I endeavor to be a culturally proficient educator.  I hope to accost individual needs in utmost sensitivity and objectivity.  I hope to promote reciprocal positive teacher-student interactions.  I desire to construct a nurturing learning environment conducive to the promotion and development essential to foreign language acquisition. 

    Without reservation, as a student, you will positively contribute to the composition of our classroom.  Together, we will explore a phenomenal language and culture.