• EXPECTATIONS:  You have entered a safe and positive learning environment.  Constructive behavior is expected.   Be responsible for yourself and your belongings, not concerning yourself with your neighbor. Be respectful of self, peers, and staff members.  Come prepared to class with all your materials and be ready to be an active learner.  Be prepared to participate in class and utilize the target language.  Be seated before the bell rings, remaining seated and silent unless otherwise directed by the teacher.  You are dismissed by the teacher, not the bell. Healthy snacks and water are permitted in the classroom as long as they do not become a distraction/disruption.  Backpacks may not enter the classroom. Student devices may not be charged in class.  Cell phones are not permitted in the classroom and will be confiscated if seen.  

    POINTERS:  If you are having difficulty with Spanish, the following pointers may be of assistance.  

    1. Start with the basics: Begin by learning essential greetings, basic vocabulary, and simple phrases. Mastering the fundamentals will provide a solid foundation for further learning.

    2. Practice pronunciation: Spanish has consistent pronunciation rules, so focus on correctly pronouncing each letter and sound. Listen to native speakers, imitate their pronunciation, and pay attention to accent marks.

    3. Use flashcards: Create flashcards to memorize vocabulary words and their corresponding translations. Review them regularly to reinforce your memory and expand your vocabulary.

    4. Speak as much as possible: Practice speaking Spanish as often as you can, even if it's just a few minutes a day. Find a language partner to converse with regularly.

    5. Watch Spanish movies and TV shows: Exposure to the language through authentic materials like films and TV shows can improve your listening skills and help you familiarize yourself with the culture.

    6. Read children's books or simplified texts: Start with simpler texts and gradually work your way up to more complex materials. Children's books often have straightforward language and can help you understand basic grammar and vocabulary.

    7. Keep a language journal: Write in Spanish regularly, even if it's just a few sentences or a paragraph. This will help you practice writing skills, reinforce grammar concepts, and develop fluency.

    8. Use language-learning apps and websites: Take advantage of online resources like Duolingo, Babbel, or Memrise, which offer interactive lessons, quizzes, and exercises to enhance your learning experience.

    9. Find a study routine that works for you: Establish a consistent study schedule and stick to it. Whether it's daily or a few times a week, regular practice is key to making progress.


    ACADEMIC INTEGRITY:  Cheating is unacceptable. Anyone caught cheating will receive a zero and/or a discipline referral. Cheating includes but is not limited to:

    • Allowing other students to copy your work.
    • Copying another student's work on tests, quizzes, homework, classwork, etc. 
    • Using a translator of any sort.
    • Plagiarism (copying text, not citing, etc.)
    •  Having someone else do your assignments for you.